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2007-12-19 - 11:46 p.m.

Tonight I am reminded of God's great patience. This is been a dry semester spiritually, as school and busyness sapped my strength and my joy. Unfortunately, the human body is adjustable and I have gone uncomfortably numb. Alex and I are struggling to fight through the muck that has cluttered our lives and to truly regain the joy and freedom that is ours in Christ.

Tonight, God has reminded me of the image of the Potter. Isaiah talks about this in chapter 19 and 45 and you can find it referenced in Romans. However, what has really stuck with me is this terrible (at least in my book) early 90s Christian song called The Potter's Hands ( The only reason I remember it is because Andrea sang it mercilessly during our junior high years and I have grown fond of its nostalgic memories. Anyway, I love the image of the Potter because it fits in with the idea of us becoming sanctified. We strive to be like Christ, but it is a lifelong process that requires much work and many failures. If God the Potter is trying to sculpt this perfect pot from this lumpy piece of clay (named Beth), then it takes a whole lifetime. Granted it is not God's fault. The clay (us) decides to cave or get weak or dry or mushy and ruins the pot that God is currently working on. However, instead of throwing the clay away and starting again, God simply remolds and remakes us into something new. I love how God can take imperfections, such as poor decisions or bouts of selfishness, and turn them into something beautiful for His glory. Tonight, I am thankful that God the Potter has decided to not give up on me. I don't deserve it, I'm probably the driest lumpiest clay out there but He sees potential in me that I can't even dream of. Thank you, Jesus, for granting me the opportunity to be remade daily in your image.

He provided redemption for his people;
He ordained his covenant forever;
holy and awesome is His name
Psalm 111:9

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