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2004-12-03 - 5:26 p.m.

I'm really struggling with this entry. I didn't know what to write. I've technically written three but I've erased them all. So here it is:

Today I made a truck that carries racecars out of a plastic tub and popsicle sticks. I thought it was funny that the first grader I was working with, Panchito, was more concerned with constructing a huge megaphone, so he could say "hello, how are you?" really loudly, attatched to the top of the truck than building the actual truck itself. I left and it still didn't have wheels or a cab.

Comparatively, our relationship with Jesus is like this truck. I think someteimse we get so caught up with fellowship, mission work, going to church, "reading" the Bible, memorizing scripture, writing letters...that we forget why we're doing all those things. We can add all the megaphones that we want, but having a true relationship with Jesus is the only way the truck is gonna function.

During this Christmas season, don't forget what it's truly about. I'll give you a clue- it's not gifts.

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