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2004-12-04 - 12:13 p.m.

Thursday night we were "helping" Ryan "study" for his Kines class. He was looking at Power Point presentations online on assaults and rapes and what not. Well, he got to the one that listed what you do when and if you get raped. Believe it or not, one of the passive solutions was "submit." WHAT???? Who wrote that- the rapist?? Attention girls, I don't suggest submitting to a rapist unless it's entirely hopeless and you'll die if you don't. With that said, there is one situation in which the only solution is to submit. We constantly struggle with God (I'm not saying that God is a rapist unless he rapes us of all our sin and unhappiness, okay?) and then when we realize that we can't win, then we submit. Save yourself the trouble. Submit now. Let Him dwell in you. It's so much easier that way.

Lesson: Don't submit to real rapists but DO submit to God.

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