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2004-12-09 - 11:41 a.m.

I've got a little story for you, ags... This is provided by my Bible study leader and it's true. He was driving home to Dallas for Spring Break and he got stuck behind a funeral procession that was going 50. Well, it's a two lane road, one land going one way, the other going the other. Well, he kinda zoned out because he was going so slow and then when he came to, he was in the middle of the procession. He figured that at some point there was a passing land and he passed half the procession without realizing it. Well, it was now back to the one lane road and he couldn't pass the rest. He began to distance himself from the car in front of him because he really didn't know what to do. Well, turns out he distanced himself so much so that the front half of the procession turned left off the highway and Josh did not. So, technically Josh hijacked the second half of this man's funeral procession. Twenty cars followed him all the way to his home town until he stopped at a light, did a U turn, and then made a "shoo away" motion with his hands to indicate that they should stop following him.

Okay (and I am not saying that you were in any way irresponsible, Josh, this is an analogy) we as Christians have a responsibility to others. Let's say that the front half of the procession is Jesus (not that we follow him by accident, you know what I mean-it's an analogy). Well, if Jesus turns left and we don't follow, look at how many people who are watching us follow suit. I don't think we realize how big of an impact we make on people until we realize that they're following us away from Jesus. Okay, granted, they should be completely focused on Jesus and not on just copying you but you know that younger kids have role models and people with a weaker faith need someone to watch. This is why it's so important that Christians be mindful of their words and actions. Be careful or you just might take the second half of someone's funeral. :)

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