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2004-12-08 - 5:12 p.m.

Well, I was just riding my bike back from the parking lot and I was being passed by this little kid and his mom walking. Well, I smiled at the little kid and then he suddenly walked in front of my bike, stuck his arm out, and said, "Stop." Well, I had just figured out that the back brakes on my bike aren't working, i didn't run into the kid, are you joking? that's evil. But I did stop rather quickly. His mom said, "NO" in disbelief and then apologized. Sometimes we think that we've got a go ahead in life. That God has given us something and we take it and run with it. Well, sometimes there's a seemingly harmless little kid that quite frankly tells you to stop. Remember that once God lets you have something- an opportunity, a relationship- he still wants you to trust him with it. So, if ever a little kid tells you to stop, you'd better listen.

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